import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import streamlit as st
from mido import Message, MidiFile, MidiTrack
import random
def create_random_melody(style, instrument, duration=180):
Generates a random melody and saves it as a MIDI file.
style (str): The selected music style ('Calm', 'Bright', 'Mysterious').
instrument (str): The selected instrument ('Piano', 'Violin', 'Flute', etc.).
duration (int): Duration of the melody in seconds.
str: Filename of the generated MIDI file.
midi_filename = f"{style}_{instrument}_music.mid"
mid = MidiFile()
track = MidiTrack()
if style == "Calm":
notes = [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72] # C Major Scale
elif style == "Bright":
notes = [72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84] # Higher octave C Major Scale
elif style == "Mysterious":
notes = [60, 63, 65, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78] # Suspenseful scale
notes = [60, 62, 64, 67, 69] # Default to C Pentatonic Scale
total_ticks = 0
ticks_per_note = 480
while total_ticks < duration * 480:
note = random.choice(notes)
velocity = random.randint(50, 100)
track.append(Message('note_on', note=note, velocity=velocity, time=0))
track.append(Message('note_off', note=note, velocity=velocity, time=ticks_per_note))
total_ticks += ticks_per_note
return midi_filename
# Streamlit App
def main():
st.title("Random Music Generator")
# User inputs
style = st.selectbox("Choose a music style:", ["Calm", "Bright", "Mysterious"])
instrument = st.selectbox("Choose an instrument:", ["Piano", "Violin", "Flute", "Guitar"])
duration = st.slider("Select duration (seconds):", min_value=30, max_value=180, step=30, value=90)
file_format = st.selectbox("Select file format:", ["MIDI"])
if st.button("Generate Music"):
st.write(f"Generating {style} music with {instrument} for {duration} seconds...")
if file_format == "MIDI":
midi_filename = create_random_melody(style, instrument, duration)
st.success("MIDI file generated successfully!")
# Provide MIDI download link
with open(midi_filename, "rb") as midi_file:
label="Download MIDI File",
if __name__ == "__main__":