Blogger already has some share buttons like "google+", "twitter"... and maybe you want to share to Tumblr or Line.
To add Tumblr or Line share button, you need to edit blogger's template.
In template | edit html
Search "<b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'>"
Then add the code inside this b:includable
<a class="tumblr-share-button" href=""></a>
Add the script before </body>
<script id="tumblr-js" async src=""></script>
show as:
<a expr:href='"" + data:post.title + "%0D%0A" + data:post.url + ""'> <img alt='LINEで送る' height='20px' src='' width='20px'/></a>
show as:
<script data-counter='right' type='IN/Share'>var data-url = '<data:post.sharePostUrl/>';</script>
Add the script before </body>
<script src='//' type='text/javascript'> lang: en_US</script>
To add Tumblr or Line share button, you need to edit blogger's template.
In template | edit html
Search "<b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'>"
Then add the code inside this b:includable
<a class="tumblr-share-button" href=""></a>
Add the script before </body>
<script id="tumblr-js" async src=""></script>
show as:
<a expr:href='"" + data:post.title + "%0D%0A" + data:post.url + ""'> <img alt='LINEで送る' height='20px' src='' width='20px'/></a>
show as:
<script data-counter='right' type='IN/Share'>var data-url = '<data:post.sharePostUrl/>';</script>
Add the script before </body>
<script src='//' type='text/javascript'> lang: en_US</script>